I found a cute pine coffee table at the Goodwill store for $10.
It was a mess! Dirt, grime, and cigarette burns covered the top. I decided it would look better painted, so I began sanding it by hand to remove the shiny finish. After awhile, I decided to go the chemical route:

This is me, in my Haz-Mat suit:

Turns out, the chemical didn't work any better than good old-fashioned elbow grease (and my power rotary sander.)

Which got the table looking like this in no time:

After sanding, I gave the table a thorough cleaning, and then began painting it with my favorite paint color: "Atlantic" (Martha Stewart). It's my favorite because I had a big can of it left over from when we remodeled our bathroom. (Take a look, here.)
I gave it three nice, smooth coats of paint. While it was drying, I decided to redo the Family Room, to accommodate our new-to-us, larger, painted coffee table.
This is part of the room before. We've been using this antique trunk in here forever. It holds sweet baby clothes and birthday newspapers, and important things that I feel sentimental about.
But it has always been too tall and awkward for us to use when we want to eat in here, or play games. And it weighs a ton when I push it out of the way every morning before I do my yoga and exercises. ( I can tell from these pictures that it needs some TLC as well.)
I was looking forward to pushing a lighter, more colorful table out of the way, instead.
Here's the beachy makeover that I came up with. Nothing spectacular, but nice and simple. It's very livable for now, and fresh and new for the last part of summer. I'll change things out come fall, like I do every year.
And of course, I included a bowl of my favorite sea glass and shells. (seen here.)
For now, I'm very happy with our $10 pine table, painted my favorite color. (And Miss Maggie likes it, too!)
Until next time
Hello! I just found your blog in the weirdest way! Next to the top by the Blogger insignia, there was a button entitled "next blog"
HA! I pushed it, and found you! YAY!
I have no clue how it lead me to you but I am glad!
Wonderful post. I have a coffee table very, very similar that I turned into a work table for my craft studio. I love the way yours turned out painted that soft color. Really pretty.
I'll be back! Thanks! Karen - Some Days Are Diamonds
This is beautiful. You did an outstanding job. I so love this table. It looks so pretty white, oh wait excuse me "Atlantic" (Martha Stewart). It truly does. Yes it does have that beachy look to it. Love it. Thanks for sharing and what a great spend at $10.00. Have a wonderful day. Please stop by and say hi, I would so love to have you visit. Country hugs, Sherry
Really pretty - love your new look -- that color is wonderful!
Great job ... big difference ... cutest dog! Hope you'll visit with me!
Spectacular result...really adds a nice touch to your room!
Love the table make-over and Miss Maggie is cute too.
You really stuck in there and gave that table new life! It looks so fresh and nice in white!
Cute puppy!
~ Pam
this looks great!! white paint transforms just about anything!!
Great job! :) I hope you can stop by and enter your name in the giveaway at Color Outside the Lines. I know you could do some fantastic things with the loot! And they'd look great on that new table! :) Cheers!
That is a beautiful table! I love the legs on it and the color you painted it is perfect. $10 very well spent!
Thanks for joining me today!
If you told me that you bought that table new and paid 300.00 for it, I would believe you..it is an amazing transformation. Gorgeous!
Heidi, That is a wonderful transformation. Your beachy look is really nice, I love the new pillow covers. Hugs, Cindy S.
Good morning Heidi,
I really love what you did with the coffee table; it looks so fresh and beachy! Just my style! Great job!! I painted my own a year ago. I wanted you to know that I am going to feature your blog on mine this coming Pink Saturday. Beverly asked us to do this and I love your style so you're it! I also signed up to follow your blog. I hope you'll stop by and like what you see and perhaps follow along with me too. Have a wonderful day.
Beautiful transformation and it looks great in the space; much nicer than the box. I like all the decorations you put upon it also ;-)
My Good Will tends to over price stuff....but once in a while I find a deal.
Very cute! What kind of paint was it? Semi-gloss? Water based? Did you roll it on or brush it? We need details! (OK, maybe only I need details, but it can't hurt to ask, right?) Lisa~
Heidi, you did a great job! Isn't that liquid sander great! What a great find at GW...it was just there waiting for you. Love your post today...you're cute!
Love it! What a great color!
Thanks everyone for visiting, and for the positive responses to the new look in the Family Room!
Lisa, I'll answer your questions here, since you don't have an e-mail: I used semi-gloss water-based paint, brushed on with a regular paint brush.
Hope that helps! Come back soon!
Heidi, your blog is lovely and so informative. Love the tutorials and all of your great photos.
You sure scored with that coffee table and the outcome is fabulous!!! Great job!!
xOxO, Nerina :)
The table looks great! Really made the room pop. Great job. xo
What a wonderful transformation! You have inspired me to finally tackle my latest find.
Great job!
Jane (artfully graced)
This is such a cool blog! Hmmmmm... this room looks very familiar to me. I wonder why?
Your daughter
-Maia :]
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