"The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." Eric Hoffer
Today is Wednesday Gratitude. I'm thankful for so many things!
I'm very thankful for your support and continued friendship, and appreciate your visit to Heart and Home. If you're linking to Wednesday Gratitude, Linky tools will be up at 6:00 PST. Please link to the URL of your WG post, and remember to link back to Heart and Home. Leave a comment after you've linked up!
I am deeply grateful to my husband for his inexhaustible patience last night , as he spent 4 hours with me in front of the computer, deciphering code and trying to figure out why my site is being shown as an "Obsolete Feed" on some of my loyal follower's, blog rolls.
That was not fun, and we were both cross-eyed by the time we finished studying the extremely dull, detailed html script that makes this blog run.
We may have fixed the problem. But maybe not! Please let me know if there is still an error code or other such wording showing in your reader or blog lists. You can email me, or leave the info in a comment. I will not rest until this problem is repaired 100%!
(I've been trying to get some support from Blogger help forum but 6 days later I still haven't heard a word from them...)
Would you like to take a walk on the beach with me?
There's so much to be grateful for living here along the coast.
I'm grateful for these bright red umbrellas, they make me smile when I look at them.
We had breakfast at the harbor, sitting outside under one, early in the morning.
Then Miss Maggie took us for a walk.
We went down to the end of the point to inspect the lighthouse, and to feel the spray of the waves on our faces.
I'm grateful for this handsome lighthouse. I think it adds so much character and romance to this beach and the harbor.
We climbed up, and over, and all around the gigantic cement "jacks" that were used to create the breakfront for the harbor.
They weigh many tons apiece, and fit together like a puzzle .
At one point these bare-chested, sadly out-of-shape, scraggly, unattractive beach boys jogged by.
I hardly noticed them.
I hardly noticed them when they ran back the other direction, as well.
I'm not even sure why I took this picture.
I believe I was trying to get a shot of the boardwalk in the distance.
Those bare-chested boys just happened to be there at the same time.
I'm pretty sure they got in my picture by accident.
Maggie didn't seem all that interested. She was making sure not to get too close to the waves. Maggie is not a water lover.
She does, however, enjoy chasing kites that are high in the sky.
I'm thankful for days that are breezy enough to fly a kite.
After a walk I love sitting for awhile, watching the waves and running my hands and toes through the warm sand. I'm grateful for another perfect morning!
Breakfast outside under red umbrellas, and walking along the beach with my family and a little dog, are moments I am thankful for.
Thanks for stoppping by!
Until next time,
Linking to Susan's A Southern Daydreamer "Outdoor Wednesday". Go there to check out other outdoor posts when you're done leaving a comment here! Also linked to Always Nesting "WooHoo" Party.
Heidi, that was so funny about the bare chested out of shape men. I took your blog off my blogroll and then reinstated it and it if fine now. You are so lucky to live close to the beach. I envy you.
Lovely post and such beautfil images. I love looking at the seaside and wish I could go the beach more often.
I have had so many problems with blogger lately too. I thought I was following so many people and have since found that I have had to re-follow them again. I always thought I was following you too...I will fix that now!
Best wishes,
Thanks so much for linking to Woo Hoo! Wednesday. I definitely would be Woo Hoo!ing over those bare chested, out of shape(?) young men jogging on the beach,lol. Love your photos.
I have to tell you that I'm so glad to hear it's not just been me that's been fighting with code. I just about decided to jump off my roof, and then as if by some weird code magic, I'm ok. My blog is ok, my linking finally worked. Woo Hoo!
Love your beach pictures! I always enjoy your Wednesday event, as it makes me stop and think about all the things I have to be thankful for in my life.
Well you showed up in my dashboard just fine. Someone told me that my feed wasn't working...I didn't even know I had feed. Or I did. Or I don't. Yes it is confusing.
Thank-you for giving my wish for the day: I told AG(husband) I had to see the ocean again soon!!!!! Said it today!
I am grateful!
Thank-you for this event and so glad things are working!
love, kelee
That was such an enjoyable post. I've added your party to my list so I can participate next time. I got a kick out of the out of shape guys. Have they no pride? lol.
Beautiful, beautiful photos! The beach and the water are such peaceful places for me ~ I could almost feel myself relaxing. Now I know you didn't really intend to take so many pics of the guys did you?? You must have had a glitch with your camera. ;-)
I think the problem with your blog is fixed now...at least it shows up fine on my blog roll. I deleted and then added again after you provided the link. I also thought I was following several blogs and, after checking the past few days, discovered I was not. :-( The Blogger Help is just a mirage I think...there is never a response.
Oh well, I'm glad all is well! Thanks so much for doing this each week. Have a beautiful Wed!
Beautiful pictures Heidi.LOved that beach behind the men:)))I have no error remarks so your computer must be ok now. Have a wonderful day.
Thanks for the walk on the beach Heidi. After working on HTML all night, you deserved a little R & R. Your button works fine on my side bar BTW! Yay, I think you fixed it. --Delores
Great pictures of the beach. Were there boys in there...I didn't even notice them either ;)
LOVE the red umbrellas! Beautiful lighthouse too. Thanks for my beach walk~
P.S. I barely noticed those beach boys myself :-)
It's been two years since I last stepped on a beach, thanks for the walk. Mmm I would have taken a couple more pics of the joggers, maybe a close up?
Hey and I also like the pic of you working on your next post!
A lovely day to you Heidi!
That's my kind of walk! Out of shape men and all!! I re-added myself as a follower. I was wondering what happened! So glad you are back and running!
Beautiful pictures....took me to that "Calgon place":):) I get your blog by e-mail but will check and see if it is on my blog roller too. Enjoy your beautiful day. It is cold and rainy here in Pa. BLECK! Pinky
Yes, I am sure it was the boardwalk you were trying to get a picture of! I love the lighthouse! Great post Heidi!
~ Tracy
Heidi, this was just a darling post! Loved every word and every picture, and I think your dog is about the cutest thing going! I was hoping you were going to tell me you lived in Florida, but I see that it's California! But the Coast is the Coast, and I love them all. I had just hoped you might live closer! :-)
those red umbrellas are wonderful! and I rather like that photo of Maggie - she is cute!
Love the beach pictures....always enjoy my stops here...
Those guys running are so funny! A real "Chariots of Fire" moment. =] I grew up on the west coast and you're making me ache for a warm and sunny beach. I can just feel the sun and the wind and smell the salty air and hear the sounds - all from your photos!
I, also, had fun scrolling through your blog and seeing your gorgeous bathroom makeover, your lovely evening walk and all of your happy pink!!! I LOVE your planters, btw - inspiring!
Well, thanks for visiting In The Sunny Spot and I hope that you find just the right moment for a little bit of lace on your table. =]
Love, Katy Noelle
That was funny about the out of shape guys. Really nice post. Enjoyed visiting.
You know, I keep thinking about it. I usually use my lace table cloth on just the wood table (i.e.with nothing under. Geesh - that sounds risque, doesn't it!) Aaaaanywaaaaaaayyy, this time I had a purpley/maroon table cloth under it because it, well, it was mother's day. The natural and neutral wood under it makes me feel likes it's more real or casual somehow. You quite obviously don't need any decorating advice but, I thought it would be fun to actually share that with someone who would appreciate what I mean. =]
Love, katy Noelle
Hi Heidi! It must be SO wonderful to live in such a beautiful place! West Texas is a far cry from beautiful beaches and lighthouses! I envy you!! Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by my little corner of the world {easie peasie} and for your lovely comment!
Have a great weekend!
Hi Heidi
Thank you for visiting my blog! It's always so great to meet new friends. You live in a beautiful area. Just yesterday my husband was saying how he wants to live in California one day!
I've become a follower of your blog!
Have a great weekend
Pamela xo
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