Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Primroses to the Rescue at Heart and Home

Hey there bloggers! How's everyone today?

I want to let you know that there were some problems with the link for email subscriptions... I apologize - if you previously signed up to follow via e-mail you will have to resubmit your address on my new e-mail feed at the top of the side bar. So sorry, I hope it works this time! If you experience any problems, please let me know! Thanks.

After such a rich and chocolatey weekend,
(scroll down to the last post if you don't know what I'm talking about, you won't be sorry!)
I've been knocking around here for a bit - rummaging around in a house with no heat, water or electricity. Thank goodness my troubles are so small - and that power was restored just as my fingers were starting to get stiff! How can I complain, when in reality
even without heat I was dry and safe and warmer that a lot of others....

The morning was a little confusing without power or water,
We kind of have a routine for times like these...and we've been able to practice it a lot this winter!
But still, this morning everyone got to where they needed to go!
And, these primroses in the kitchen were a cheerful sight.

It's hard to stay grumpy when such bright, friendly little flowers
grace my table top.


This time, it wasn't stormy weather that knocked down a power pole on our street,
 but rather a clumsy driver.
 (Probably taking that curve way too fast, on a wet and slippery road.)

Lighting the candles made it feel a little cozier in here while I sat in the sunny kitchen and
  waited for PG&E to do their thing (again!).

A big cup of Jasmine green tea with honey, and the morning paper helped my mood, too!
But, just to be safe, I only read the funnies this morning!
Tell me:  What's your favorite way to greet the morning, with or without power?
One thing's for sure:  Your visits always make my day!
Until next time,
PS: Today is my six month blogging anniversary!


Jeanette said...

Primroses are one of my favorite flowers in the winter months. They do look like a happy flower. We loose our power a lot on Sundays so I feel your pain.

Blondie's Journal said...

Great post, Heidi. You are very humble and sweet. I love primrose...this is the time of year for the indoor plants and you reminded me to pick one up.

My morning routine is getting up whenever my DH does (and it's always early, but different times. We have coffee and talk as the sun comes up. I love it! We have none of the stress of the day built up so we have such a nice, relaxing time. He's away now and I am missing our morning 'dates'!!!


vignette design said...

Happy anniversary Heidi! You took some beautiful morning shots. My morning is always coffee and the paper. But lately, I have coffee while I'm checking out my blog. Hope your power wasn't off too long. -Delores

My name is Riet said...

Hi Heidi. I love primroses but they give me a rash ,like it does to many people, so I keep them outside, My morning routine is start the computer, make tea and eat some breakfast.
Have a nice day

Cottage Rose said...

Hello Heidi; Love your Primroses,, they are so pretty.. glad to hear that you have heat now,,, some people just don't know how to drive in the rain... love the photos.... have a great day.


Diann @ the Thrifty groove said...

Hi Heidi!

glad you got your power back on! Your primroses are a nice sight to see. And happy 6 month anniversary!!

{oc cottage} said...

Those are some seriously cool candles!

m ^..^

Hootin Anni said...

Very pretty color of the blossom...and the scene through the window is gorgeous too!!

My show n tell is all about Valentine stuff this week.


Ingrid said...

It's nice to have a colorful spot in winter !

Ms. Bake-it said...

Hello Heidi,

Happy 6 months blogiversary! I love primroses. They really are such a happy little flower and you have them in such a cheerful setting.

~ Tracy

Glenda/MidSouth said...

Happy anniversary! I bought a small pot of primrose at the grocery the other day to add a little cheer to a cold/dreary Winter. My power was blinking earlier this morning - hope that is not a sign of a real problem to come. To cold here to be without power.
Have a great weekend.

Kifus said...

Happy half year blog anniversary Heidi! Love those candles!
Have a great weekend!

Cindy said...

Happy blog anniversary!!! I love primroses! It looks like you must be in Northern California too! I can't believe it's raining again but at least it's supposed to be a nice weekend! Thanks for joining in on Show and Tell!

Marina said...

Hi Heidi, love your blog, l am looking for my car keys so l can go buy some primroses. love do you keep yours so healthy looking? btw this is my first response as a new the site Marina

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

happy bog anniversary.. and you got lovely primroses.. happy FS&T

Gail said...

Hi Heidi, I am new to your blog and found you through Pink Saturday.
I start my morning with a cup of cocoa and getting on the computer to see what my friends and family are up to for the day. My DH is usually already gone for the morning, I am blessed that he comes home for lunch each day so we get to visit then.