Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Wednesday Gratitude #29 at Heart and Home

Hey everyone! You're just in time for Wednesday Gratitude.

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday.

I spent three great days with my husband, sans daughters.
Daughters spent three fabulous days sans parents.

For us: no fancy hotels or room service.
a long walk,
dinner and a movie,
a baseball game,
an air show.
All wonderful.

For them: time at the dorm and in the city.
Shopping, cooking, talking, reading.
Watching movies.
Eating, giggling.
Two sisters, doing what they do best, together.

Sometimes simple weekends are the best.
We all returned home happy.

It was a good weekend!
I'm very grateful for those three days.

And now, I'm back to the daily routine, 
I'm feeling particularly grateful for Guadalupe and his team.

They stopped by the house this morning with their squeegees and soapy water,
and worked some magic on this house.

Eleven  exterior French Doors.
Four interior French Doors.
25 BIG windows.
Four skylights.

All are clean, sparkling, and spotless.

Daughter #2 came home from school this afternoon and said the light looked different.
Said the rooms seemed to glow in the sun.
That everything looked "crisper".

I noticed it, too.
That bright, brilliant, fall-ish sunshine, streaming through the windows.
NO fingerprints, no dust, no streaks.

Ever notice how clean windows make the whole house feel fresh?
It's lovely!

I'm very thankful for the clean, clear views.
I'm thankful I didn't have to climb up the ladder myself,
 armed with buckets and rags,
but instead know a nice man and his three nice helpers, 
who will take care of that chore for a reasonable fee
 and leave with a smile and a handshake.

And give me the gift of sunshine and shining glass.

"I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought; and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder." - G.K. Chesterton

What are you grateful for today?
Link in, and let us know!

Until next time,

ps. all pics taken through windows! see what I mean by clean?

linking to Outdoor Wednesday, thanks Susan!


Sue said...

My husband worked on our windows this weekend. We don't have nearly the number you do...must be some house! This is my first Gratitude Wednesday...I had a lot to be grateful for this week.

Jane said...

Lord have mercy, but we need to work on the windows here at our old house. Actually, they all need to be reglazed before we can truly clean them well. The hubby says we can do this ourselves. Think Guadalupe and his team travel???

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Hi Heidi!

I did indeed love the redwood trees in Muir Woods! It must be so nice to live near forests of them.

Your clean windows look so sparkly! What a nice service to have.

I'll have to join in on your event some week. Thanks!

RedBettySummer said...

The light shining through your windows is so brite! There isn't even a reflection. They are so clean, it doesn't even look like there is glass. It looks so good. Thanks for sharing, and for hosting another Wednesday Gratitude.

Allison said...

Sounds like you had a lovely weekend. Oh my goodness....your windows are sparkling! They look beautiful. What a pretty setting your home is in.

Sherry said...

I love a simple weekend spent with loved ones. I also love clean windows which we do not have at this time. We will have to do something about that soon. Thanks for hosting Gratitude Wednesday, you help me to think about what I should be thankful for.

Diann @ the thrifty Groove said...

Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend! And now, I need to go clean my windows!LOL

Have a terrific day!

Apron Senorita said...

Gorgeous views. You are truly blessed with such beauty. Thank for sharing the pictures and inviting us to your home. I love being able to see new places.

Yoli :)

Katie@LeBeauPaonVictorien said...

Great views and great pictures!
I love the light streaming through clean windows too! (Now I should hire someone to do mine...they need it!!)

Denise Marie said...

Wow, this is the 1st time this type of linky would let me in. lol

can't wait to come back and check out the posts later today. :)

vignette design said...

Terrific post Heidi! You are inspiring me to have all my dirty windows cleaned! It certainly changes the view!

MJ said...

Your home is so bright and looks warm and cozy. Just want to pull up a chair by the window. I posted a picture of my baby (#5)...I am grateful that I have been blessed with 5 beautiful healthy children! Thanks for hosting and inspiring.

MJ said...


Charlene said...

Heidi, Your house & clean windows are amazing! I love that candle holder you showed in photo #2!!! What a wonderful weekend for all of you. Both sounded great... yours & the girls. Your header is divine. Is that your house in the photo? It reminds me of a house I saw near my favorite B&B in Arroyo Grande, CA. YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOO LUCKY TO LIVE THERE! I want to summer in Calf on the coast to escape the Texas heat. We were supposed to get our RV so we could get away but, hubby had open heart surgery instead. BUMMER! Maybe next year... In the meantime I am back to look at more of your posts. I LOVE your blog. I may have to become a follower. Charlene

Kaylia Payne said...

Gratitude Wednesday is a cute idea!!! Your blog made me smile :) I'm grateful for spring today, the cherry blossoms are out and it's so exciting! Except it Thursday in Australia so maybe I should wait until next week :p

Kim @ Savvy Southern Style said...

Heidi, I do love clean windows and yours look great. How about sending them this way and I will hire them, too.

gena said...

I'm so glad you had a great weekend - that's definitely something to be thankful for !

Your home and views are just spectacular !

thanks for sharing,

Jemsmom said...

There is nothing better than clean windows! Now you have motivated me to do mine! Sorry I am a day late! The BHW left for Germany yesterday so we have been busy packing and all the fun stuff that goes with it! Have a wonderful week!

Linda said...

It's amazing how much of a difference clean windows make! We got new windows throughout the house 2 years ago, and I clean them all the time because I lived so long with crummy ones....I am grateful for my beautiful windows too!

Karen said...

I'm a new follower from the LOL blog hop. It was the Gratitude thing that made me click here. Today I'm grateful for my husband and how hard he works for us.
Your site is lovely and inspiring. Love those redwoods, too!
Tried do the link thing and a spam site told me not to do it. Thought you'd want to know.
blessings on your day!

Roz said...

Just found your blog and I'm lovin' your posts! I'm now following and will so enjoy your future inspiration! Please stop by and link up your post on 'clean' windows for my weekend Fresh Clean and Pure blog hop that's still going on. Just love the beauty in your home and life! Roz

Shannan Martin said...

I was just griping today over my dirty windows! Where's Guadalupe when I need him??

It was fun hearing about your weekend sans daughters. I like to day-dream now and then about a kidless weekend... :)