She may not look like much to you. But, this is the first fuchsia that has ever survived my tender loving care! And believe me, I have tried many times to grow them. Many Times. With NO Luck at all. ( I mean, no luck, as in dead plants within a few weeks. Very disappointing!) So that makes this one really special to me.
This past winter when we had our first frost of the season, I covered what was left of the poor tender thing in plastic baggies, to protect it for the rest of the winter.
Fuchsias do not like frost.
Fuchsias do not like too much sun.
Fuchsias do not like to be too dry, and they do not like too much water.
Apparently, fuchsias do not like too much of anything, including too much of me....until I found this one.

Welcome on board and happy pink saturday. You are lucky that your flowers grow well this time. Thanks for sharing.
Heidi do you know the name of it? I am curious because I am pretty sure it is the same kind that they have at Disneyland and I took a picture and posted a few weeks back. If so it is just the prettiest fuschia I have ever seen! And if not it is still the prettiest one...LOL..they grow pretty well around here...I think what they really love is rain...and normally we get a ton of that...Happy Pink Saturday! Congrats on keeping that beautiful flower alive for so long!
That fuchsia is beautiful and it certainly has a special colour. I don't think I ever saw that.
Happy pink Saturday
Fuchsia's are such pretty flowers. They're little dancing ballerina's.
Happy pink saturday!
ciao for now,
Elena :)
Welcome to your first Pink Saturday, Heidi. I am so glad you have joined us.
Your fuchsia is gorgeous. She is definitely proving her devotion to you with her gorgeous blooms. I have never tried to grow one, but maybe I should. ;-)
Good morning! Your fushia plant is gorgeous-so delicate and sweet!! I also love your mosaic table-awesome work. Hope you have a wonderful pink week!
Your fuschia is beautiful, welcome to Pink Saturday. Hope you have a great PS have fun visiting.
Oh, that is one beautiful fuchsia! I've never had one but have always admired them - such delicate, complex flowers. You should be very proud! Welcome to Pink Saturday!
Looks like you met your "soul mate" of the plant world....Congrats on growing such a tender beuaty and for sharing.
Hello Heidi,
What a beautiful shade! Thanks for a very entertaining post. I like your sense of humor and I think your fuchsia does also. Happy Pink Saturday and enjoy your weekend.
Boy can I relate to that!! I've unfortunately killed many and I really love how beautiful they are - but can't bear the thought of killing another one. Yours is beautiful and now that we live in a cooler climate - I might give it a try again - but not yet (lol) Thanks so much for sharing, welcome, and Happy Pink Saturday!
Good Morning Heidi! Welcome to Pink Saturday, and love your first pink post! Almost similar to being a Mom, there is that sense of pride that comes with plants, isn't there?! I have an african violet that evokes such pride for me!... but just like children, I have that ONE plant which INSISTS upon being difficult!.. A Christmas Cactus, that I've tended to and nurtured for YEARS, but who REFUSES to flower! Oh, well... Happy Pink Saturday, and wishing you a wonderful weekend! ~tina
Hi Heidi! Welcome to Pink Saturday. So glad you decided to come and join us. Love this post. Your fuschia is absolutely gorgeous. Love it. The flowers look so delicate in your picture, with just the tiniest little centers. I have always loved flowers, but I live in Phoenix, and right now not much is growing from the heat. I have tried just about everything there is in the summer time here, and about all I have are my hibiscus and they have done wonderfully all summer. Thank you for sharing with me today. I have signed up to follow your blog, can't wait to see what you share next. Please stop by and say hi. I would love to have you follow my blog as well. Country hugs, Sherry
Very pretty, I have tried fuschia's but they just wont do well for me. You have a beautiful home. Welcome to PS, have a good one.
Welcome! Such pretty fuchsia.
Happy Pink Saturday and
enjoy the weekend.
That's a lovely fuchsia, such a delicate color. Congratulations on finding one that can thrive - they are picky.
You might think of looking into hardy fuchsias - they are landscape plants, not container plants, and the flowers are smaller than the showy basket fuchsias, but I think they are quite charming - and there's even a pale pink one.
Google fuchsia magellenica, and see what you think.
Happy Pink Saturday!
Happy Pink Saturday!
So very lovely!
~ Gabriela ~
She's a gorgeous plant with absolutely gorgeous blooms. You must have had the magic tough with this one. Happy Pink Saturday..have a wonderful weekend.
Hi Heidi! I've never had any luck with fuschias either but this one obviously LOVES you! Happy Pink Saturday!
Simply divine post!
Hi! what a just beautiful home you have! cute place!
I love fuchsia!
Visit me anytime...
This was funny, Heidi. And she IS beautiful. Wow...double blossoms!!
Have you ever brought it inside over the winter? I have heard they do well in a sunny window. But then again, the baggie trick worked and you may not want to mess with a good thing!!
My problem with fuchsias has been the flowers and stems blowing off in the wind. It's so sad to see them all brown and sticky on the ground. Does yours shed?? I stopped getting them when this kept happening.
Get another one!! You are definitely doing something right!! :-)
Gorgeous! I'm a little jealous - I have never been able to keep one alive. Welcome to PS!
There is a hardy fushia now. Burgess seed catalog has it, it's a bush with smaller flowers, good to -10. Happy PS!
Pretty flowers.
I love fuchsia!
Happy Pink Saturday!
What a beautiful shade of Pink. I don't have much luck with the fushia - you have given me hope. Happy Pink Saturday and have a wonderful new week.
Hi Heidi; What a sweet Pink Saturday Post.. I just love Fuchsia's your sweet pretty pink one is just beautiful.. I hope your next one does just a well. have a great weekend.
Welcome to PS! Love your lovely flower.
Irma :)
Those gorgeous blooms are surely worth whatever you had to do to get them!
She is breathtaking and so dainty. You did a great job, I think you should try another.
Thanks for sharing these delicate pink fuchsia. It's too hot here to grow them so it is a treat to see yours.
Happy PInk Saturday ~ Hyacinth
Usually I buy a fuchsia every year and for some reason I didn't this gardening season. After seeing yours I am now kicking myself!
So glad you joined in Pink Saturday so I could find your blog...it's beautiful. Your soft pink fuschia is lovely...it must be happy in its surroundings, as it looks healthy and glowing! I also love fuschias and have a hard time keeping them alive, so I buy a new one every couple of years or so. I'll visit again...take care, and Happy Pink Saturday! Mary
What a lovely blessing for you! I never knew they were such a gorgeous flower!
Thank you every lovely one of you for the sweet encouragement, and for the advice as well! I will show you my new fuchsia as soon as I get her home!
Hello Heidi, your plant apparently has bonded with you. It is beautiful. I love my plants too and I am so proud when they bloom so pretty. Your post makes me smile. Happy Pink Saturday.
How beautiful. You've selected a lovely image to share with us today. I hope you are having a wonderful weekend.
Very nice fuchsia, so lovely in pink.
Enjoy Pink Saturday!
Good for you. Perseverance always pays off. My husband has a green thumb when it comes to Fushias. I just enjoy the beauty. It's at the end of my day and I'm so glad to stop by and visit you. Please come by and see me.
Hugs and Glitter,
It's absolutely gorgeous! I laughed at your post because I can totally empathize - I seem to have that effect on some plants, too. But it looks like you two are made for each other this time around. Stop by for a visit sometime. Happy Pink Saturday!
Heidi,Welcome to pink sat,I love your fushias.Such a pretty shade of pink.I love the table setting on your deck in the post below the blue wine glasses are just so pretty.The beach pictures are so pretty.I must come back to read more.Hugs,jen
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